Power Builder is a program that combines and uses new technologies for application developments. The tools provided allow developers to create critical client-server, distributed, Web and Smart Clients applications for JEE, Win32, and .NET platforms. This rapid application development (RAD) software makes the construction of prototypes fast.
It has a native data-handling object (data window), which is used to create, edit, and display data. It gives the programmer tools for specifying and controlling user interface appearance and behavior, and also provides simplified access to database content.
PowerBuilder is used primarily for building business applications. There are also versions that can be used to build applications to run on mobile devices such as cell phone or PDA. This version of PowerBuilder has .NET interoperability enhancements, and data window innovations and many new capabilities.
Additionally it offers native interfaces to all major databases like ODBC and OLE-DB, in the Enterprise version. PowerBuilder applications tend to support multiple databases with relative ease.
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